Bamon's Blog

Cherry blossom petals sliding on a snowfield

It was spring and the mountains were covered in snow. My friends and I came here to snowboard. We were enjoying the view and snowboarding from the top of the mountain. But it was almost over.

On the way down the mountain, we were walking back up to the top of the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, we spotted some cherry trees. They still had buds on them, but we were amazed at their beauty. We decided to stop snowboarding and observe the cherry trees.

My friends and I were under the cherry blossoms. My friends were sitting under the cherry trees, waiting for the petals to fall. I decided to look down at the cherry blossoms from the top of the mountain. The wind was blowing and petals were dancing. I stood there for a while, overwhelmed by their beauty.

Eventually we started snowboarding again. But the beauty of the cherry blossoms had captured our hearts. We kept coming back under the cherry trees to admire their beauty. Our snowboarding style had changed and we had come to appreciate the beauty of the cherry blossoms.

In the evening we headed back down the mountain to where we were staying. We were tired but happy with the beauty of the cherry blossoms and the fun of snowboarding. We ate dinner, took a dip in the hot springs, and recuperated from our exhaustion.

The next day we went back to the mountains and enjoyed snowboarding. But the beauty of the cherry blossoms caught us off guard. We changed our snowboarding style and began to express the beauty of the cherry blossoms.

Spring had only just begun, but we were enjoying the beauty of the cherry blossoms. Snowboarding was our pleasure, but the cherry blossoms were our solace. We were experiencing the beauty of the cherry blossoms and the fun of snowboarding together and feeling the arrival of spring.